First video
Learning how to become the person on screen. Decisions on technology. Do I enjoy cafes?
Early morning running videoGorillaPodPublish blog posts from past few days—apart from this oneAdd images to blog postsVideo of us biking backAirplay mirroring Mac—works alright, an actual camera would be better…Continuity camera record video, Final Cut—not possibleStadium Timelapse—so good!Running or 3 part thumbnail for video (ab testing)Final Cut and Logic—Audition and Premiere have nothing on Apple. FCPX does enough for audio though.Posts9. Screenshot of table and mockup, just meal?10. Photo of desk and gear11. Screenshot of video12. Timelapse
Not sure if my life is interesting enough for a vlog. Going to a cafe was a bad idea. And I had caffeine not long ago, so this coffee is questionable.
Final Cut for iPad seems okay. I’d worry that I wouldn’t be fast enough, or wouldn’t be able to do some things.
Small screen would be helpful. You can see why people use cameras for vlogging, not just phones, but phones do work. The evidence is in the Jet Lag guys.
Decided I don’t like cafes. I’m happy to meet people there, but sitting at one; no.
Filming my day has shown me how much easier it would be with updated tech. My phone is fine, but my iPad could be improved. I have a general need for a small camera in the future, and same goes with my MacBook. A watch could be helpful for framing, but I don’t want to be wearing it all the time. Also not sure how it would fare tracking a run at the same time.